
Direct care

Skill level: 3

Direct care is a work-related study program at the secondary school level. The study program covers the services provided by direct care workers in the form of assistance and care for the elderly and disabled people of all ages, as well as those struggling with mental disorders. It is possible to have skills acquired in the labour market evaluated.

The average duration of study is three years with workplace learning and vocational training.


A study program in direct care has been taught at Borgarholtsskóli. A direct care study program is also available at Fjölbrautaskóli Vesturlands and Menntaskólinn á Egilsstöðum intends to offer a program as distance learning.

A direct care bridge can be offered at the schools where the direct care study program is taught, as well as at educational and lifelong learning centers. A study path has been offered at Fjarmenntaskólinn.


Applicants must have completed compulsory education in accordance with the National Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools. However, there may be exceptions at individual schools.

There is a program at the direct care bridge, intended to make it easier for unskilled people with work experience to gain professional qualifications. The prerequisites are that the applicant has at least three years of work experience and has completed work-related courses.

The study program has been partially credit-worthy at the Student Education Fund (Menntasjóður námsmanna). Trade unions often provide scholarships for study. Get more information from your union.


The program is divided into common branches of service study paths, special branches of direct care study paths and workplace learning. Students can specialize in the field of disability or geriatric care.

A direct care gateway is also available at lifelong learning centers where the special subjects of the study path are covered. The direct care gateway is a preparation for third-level direct care studies, totalling 1,720 hours and corresponding to 86 secondary school credits. This study program is intended for adults on the labour market with a minimum of three years of work experience.

After graduation

Upon completion of the study program, it is possible to work as a direct care worker.

Direct care worker
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