Direct care worker

Direct care workers work in the field of social and care services. The job involves assisting and supporting individuals to be active in society. Direct care workers help children and adolescents with social problems and assist people with disabilities, elderly people and people with mental disorders, to name a few examples. Direct care workers support their clients to help themselves and stimulate them to participate in society.

Direct care workers work in collaboration with other professions in the field of geriatrics or mental wellbeing, within social services or in schools, and are also in contact with their clients’ relatives.

Main tasks

• evaluating the different needs of clients
• offering companionship and support
• offering guidance and advice regarding rights to various services
• seeking solutions and helping clients attain them
• working on individual and training plans
• recording observations in diaries and communication logs

Competence requirements

In the work of a direct care worker, you need to be able to encourage social participation and have the skills and knowledge to promote initiative and independence. It is also important to be able to deal with difficult communication issues and/or behavioral disorders and to have knowledge of the different situations of various groups in society. Interpersonal skills, independence and initiative are important qualities in the work of direct care workers.


Direct care studies have been taught in Borgarholtsskóli. A direct care study program is also available at Fjölbrautaskóli Vesturlands and Menntaskólinn á Egilsstöðum intends to offer a program as distance learning.

Distance learning has also been offered in Fjarmenntaskólinn. The average study period is three years, including internship. Validation of prior learning and/or a direct care worker gateway may also be available, for those with work experience or previous studies to build on.

Direct care
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