Næsta skref

Information about jobs in the Icelandic labour market, study options, advice and methods for validation of competence.

The project

In 2012–2014, Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (The Education and Training Service Centre) and Sérfræðisetur í ævilangri náms- og starfsráðgjöf (The Centre for Lifelong Learning and Career Counselling) worked on the development of Næsta skref in collaboration with numerous stakeholders.

The website was then part of an IPA-funded project, led by the FA, and related to the development of validation of competence.

Today, Næsta skref is a general information website about studies and jobs, operated and run by FA.

Supervision and editing:

Arnar Þorsteinsson

Why this website?

A high-quality information service about jobs and study paths is important for many reasons. This contributes to a considered study choice, and the efficiency lies both in lower dropout costs and more traditional advice being directed to those who need it the most. This is one of the ideas behind naestaskref.is like  similar websites in neighbouring countries.

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