
Most agriculturists work in animal husbandry; cattle breeding, sheep breeding or horse breeding. Their work involves the care of livestock and the use of land for the purpose of producing food and raw materials for the food and clothing industry.

Working as an agriculturist, you could either run your own business or be employed by others, but many agronomists also work in service jobs in agriculture.

Main tasks

– daily care of livestock with the animals’ welfare in mind
– livestock breeding to improve products
– fertilizing fields and harvesting hay
– maintenance of buildings and fences
– herding and maintenance of livestock

Competence requirements

Agriculturists need to be well acquainted with various areas of agriculture, cultivation and primary production of feed and food, as well as being skilled at herding and handling animals and using machinery. It is good to be able to work independently and guide others in their work. Agriculturists need to be aware of their responsibility towards the environment and be familiar with the legal environment of agriculture, including the care and living conditions of livestock. The work involves a variety of hand tools as well as all kinds of machines such as tractors and balers.

Farmers’ Association of Iceland – Bændasamtök Íslands


Agriculture is taught at the Agricultural University of Iceland in Hvanneyri and is a two-year study at the secondary level.

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