Alcohol and drug prevention counselor

Alcohol and drug prevention counselors support those suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders or other behavioral problems and provide them with appropriate treatment. The goal of the job is to help people adapt to new lifestyles and become independent, full participants in society. Alcohol and drug prevention counselor is a certified healthcare profession.

Alcohol and drug prevention counselors work in many places, including treatment centers, mental health institutions, clinics and prisons, often in collaboration with doctors, nurses and social workers.

Main tasks

– individual and group counseling
– assessment of mental and physical condition
– developing treatment based on research and experience
– reviewing and evaluating the progress of clients
– organizing post-treatment for discharged clients

Competence requirements

Alcohol and drug prevention counselors receive a work permit from the National Director of Health and must be responsible for their work in counseling and treatment. Communication skills, compassion, active listening and adopting other people’s perspective are important traits in the job. Understanding, knowledge and experience regarding addiction are desirable. The job can be demanding and it is important to know the ethical protocol of the profession and respect professional restrictions and confidentiality when appropriate.

Félag áfengis- og vímuvarnarráðgjafa (Association of Alcohol and Drug Prevention Consultants)


In order to obtain a work permit from the National Director of Health as an alcohol and drug prevention counselor, you must:
– have worked for three years in alcohol and drug prevention counseling
– have completed 300 hours of study in the field
– have received 225 hours of guidance and instruction


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