
Sociologists work to analyze and to improve understanding of different areas of society. Sociologists’ research focuses on the development of societies on the one hand, and on the interactions between individuals and their interactions with the institutions of society on the other. The work involves collecting data on people’s attitudes, behaviours and interactions and seeks to describe the interplay between these factors for theoretical or practical purposes.

Sociologists work in both the public and private sectors, for example in administration, social services, teaching, research or counseling. Working as a sociologist, you could specialize in subjects such as media studies, criminology, health and social affairs or research of various kinds, such as in administration, social services, teaching, research or counseling.

Main tasks

• welfare issues and living standards
• crime
• business and economy
• media
• gender equality
• immigration issues
• adolescents and family issues
• health, public health and population development

Competence requirements

To work as a sociologist, you must have completed a university degree in the field. It is important to be familiar with data collection, analysis and processing of data and be able to interpret and record results and proposals related to them.


Félagsfræði er kennd við Háskóla Íslands. Grunnnámið til BA – gráðu er þrjú ár en einnig er boðið upp á diplómu- og meistaranám.

Sociology is taught at the University of Iceland. Undergraduate studies for a BA degree are three years, but diploma and master’s study programs are also offered in the field.

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