

Skill level: 5

Nursing is a theoretical and clinical undergraduate program at university level. The program focuses on teaching about humans’ environment and health and how nursing can influence situations and well-being. In the first years, teaching centers on the basic subjects of nursing in the physical, social and human sciences, along with teaching in nursing and health sciences, in addition to methodology and statistics.
As the study program progresses, the studies focus more on nursing and there are more specialized clinical courses in nursing. Clinical studies take place in various health institutions throughout the academic years, either alongside or following academic studies.

The program ends with a BS degree. The duration of study is four years.


Nursing at the School of Health Sciences at the University of Akureyri.

Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Iceland.


Admission requirements are a matriculation examination from a theoretical study path or a comparable study program. It is recommended that applicants have completed a certain number of credits in various secondary school subjects. Further information about admission requirements at the University of Iceland and the University of Akureyri.

The study program is credit-worthy at the Student Education Fund. Trade unions often provide scholarships for study. Get more information from your union.


Nursing studies are both theoretical and practical. The program is offered on-site at both universities, but the University of Akureyri also offers distance learning.

Theoretical courses are in the first two to three years, the final assignment for the BS degree is completed in the fourth year, but clinical training takes place throughout the program.

After graduation

A BS degree in nursing gives the right to apply for a professional license to the Medical Director of Health, upon receiving which graduates can work as nurses. There are also options for graduate studies in nursing leading to a master’s and doctoral degree, a candidate’s degree in midwifery and a master’s degree in midwifery, as well as doctoral studies.

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