

Skill level: 3

Agriculture is a work-related study program at the secondary school level. The course is intended, among other things, to increase students’ skills and knowledge of farming. Subjects are mainly divided into animal husbandry, especially cattle and sheep breeding, agricultural disciplines such as fertilizers and crops, and agricultural techniques such as agronomy and farming, as well as economics disciplines such as accounting and farm management.

The average duration of study is two years, including 12 weeks of apprenticeship at a school farm.


Agriculture studies are taught at the Agricultural University of Iceland.


– The applicant must have reached the age of 18
– Compulsory school diploma as well as at least one academic year in secondary school. Exception possible for 24 years and older with extensive work experience
– Experience of agricultural work

The program has been credit-worthy at the Student Education Fund (Menntasjóður námsmanna).
Trade unions often provide scholarships for study. Get more information from your union.


The study program is organized as follows:

– Starts with two semesters at school. Theoretical and to some extent practical study.
– Apprenticeship from the beginning of April until the middle of June. Practical training in farm work as well as projects.
– In the second year, students take theoretical and practical subjects at school.
– The apprenticeship takes place on school farms with which the Agricultural University of Iceland has a co-operation agreement.

Distance learning in agriculture has also been offered, but is only intended for working farmers who have reached the age of 25.

After graduation

Upon completion of their studies, students can take on a variety of agricultural jobs. The program is also good preparation for postgraduate studies in environmental and natural sciences, agricultural sciences or veterinary medicine.

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