

Skill level: 3

Hairdressing is a work-related study program at the secondary school level. The main goal of the study is for students to acquire knowledge and skills to deal with real projects, work according to a project description and at the same time be creative. Emphasis is also placed on the use of materials and tools, information and communication technology, and training in communicating with customers. Validation of prior learning has taken place in the discipline.

Hairdressing is a certified trade. The average duration of study is four years, including 52 weeks of internship.


Hairdressing is taught at TækniskólinnVerkmenntaskóli AusturlandsVerkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri, og Fjölbrautarskóli Norðurlands vestra. Basic training in hairdressing can be taken at Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja, Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands og Menntaskólinn á Ísafirði, but the average study period is four semesters.


Applicants must have completed compulsory education in accordance with the National Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools, see more on the schools’ website.

The program has been credit-worthy for subsistence and other loans at the Student Education Fund (Menntasjóður námsmanna). Trade unions also often provide scholarships for study. Get more information from your union.


The studies are divided into general theoretical subjects, specialties and vocational training.

After graduation

After completing studies and vocational training, it is possible to take a journeyman’s examination that entitles you to work in the field as well as admission to studies for a master craftsman’s exam. It is also possible to complete additional studies for a matriculation examination.

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