Crane operators operate various types of cranes in construction and port areas. The work involves lifting objects that cannot be lifted manually, e.g., a variety of goods and equipment.
The work usually takes place in industrial or construction sites and in connection with the transport and shipping industry. The work environment can be dangerous and therefore safety demands are strict, but as a rule it is up to the operator to ensure that the work is carried out safely.

Main tasks
  • hoisting, i.e., moving objects from place to place
  • driving or moving a crane
  • maintenance and care of cranes
  • communication with ground personnel


Competence requirements

Certain heavy equipment qualifications are required to operate a crane. It is important to be able to work at great heights, efficiently and accurately with full concentration. Good vision and hearing is necessary, as is having up-to-date knowledge of each aspect of the job.

Based on – Kranfører


To operate heavy equipment in Iceland, you must have the required qualifications, about which information can be found on the website of Vinnueftirlitið (the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health).

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