
Icelandic as a second language

Skill level: 5

Icelandic as a second language is a study program at university level for those who wish to acquire theoretical and/or practical knowledge of Icelandic.

Numerous other courses and study programs are also available for people moving to the country, for a longer or shorter period of time. Lifelong learning centers usually offer courses where students are divided into groups by ability, but a detailed overview can be found on their websites as well as that of Fjölmenningarsetur.


Icelandic as a second language is a study program for a BA degree at the University of Iceland, but there is also a practical diploma course available for those who want to improve their skills in Icelandic to be able to cope with studies or work in Icelandic society. 

Information about other courses in Icelandic for foreigners can be found on the websites of lifelong learning centers throughout the country as well as on the Fjölmenningarsetur website.


At the university level, a degree is required that corresponds to the Icelandic matriculation exam, as well as demonstrating English skills and passing the minimum requirements on an electronic test. Those who do not pass that test can attend a diploma program in Icelandic as a second language – see further information.

However, general Icelandic courses for people of foreign origin are normally open to everyone.

Trade union education funds often provide scholarships for study. Get more information from your union.


Icelandic as a second language is available as a major subject for a BA degree or as a minor subject for one year. Teaching takes place in lectures, small groups and discussion sessions.

After graduation

Nám í íslensku sem öðru máli eykur möguleika á virkri þátttöku í íslensku samfélagi og atvinnulífi. BA – námið er bæði hagnýtt og almennt fræðilegt nám um íslenska tungu, bókmenntir og sögu Íslands.


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